Project Title (Temporary): Space Adventure
Summary: Space Adventure is an interactive web story that allows users to walk through a science fiction story online. At each prompt, users will be given a set of choices. Each choice they make will determine how the story progresses for them. Because of this, no two storylines will be exactly the same, which will lead to a more interactive experience!
Keywords: Interactive, randomized
Would I like to present: Unsure at the moment
Concept: The concept is somewhat of a continuation of my Week 8 Experiment. I find story driven games to be very fascinating and I think making them interactive adds an additional layer of immersion. I believe combining language and technology makes the storyline more exciting and allows for the story to be non-linear.
Implementation: I primarily will be using HTML/CSS/Javscript to create the game. I am also looking into the possibility of using a GAN or Markov Models to generate the story prompts so that no two games will be the same.
Inspiration: My inspiration is text games I have played in the past, such as Zork:
Project Plan: My plan is to create a simple web app using HTML/CSS/Javascript to display the game and add visuals and interactive buttons. The main challenge will be to dynamically generate story prompts (if I decide to go that route).
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